Don’t forget your Wi-Fi
With Wi-Fi becoming an increasingly indispensable factor in everyday life, it is no surprise that its desirability is mirrored in the hospitality sector; as hotels strive to provide the best possible stay for guests, this topic has always been of interest in this industry. If we rewind three years to 2012, for example, "86% [of travelers] expected Wi-Fi connections to be made freely available in hotels" (source).
In 2014, we published a blog highlighting the positive impact free Wi-Fi can have on hotels, and yet it seems that, despite advances in technology, finding Wi-Fi in hotels that is both free and of high quality remains a rare luxury. A study carried out by Accenture shows that Wi-Fi is just as in demand as ever, with free in-room Wi-Fi being the second most important factor for a hotel stay at 82%, whereas satisfaction was only at an inferior 64% (source).
What is the challenge?
It is easy to think that implementing Wi-Fi in a hotel is similar to doing the same at home, but just on a bigger scale. The reality is quite different; as a hotel is considered a public place, it is necessary to identify yourself before using the Internet for security reasons. This is understandable, but it doesn’t stop the process of constant identification being slightly frustrating when all you want to do is check the weather, for example.
For hoteliers, free high quality Wi-Fi in their establishment is a huge investment, in both senses. We know that it’s not a simple task ensuring that everyone in the hotel can access good quality Wi-Fi, all at the same time. We also know it can be costly. You can even think of it in terms of hot water, a basic yet fundamental hotel amenity, with the need to make sure that all guests can access hot water whenever they want to shower, even during peak times. Rolling out Wi-Fi, which can be considered as another fluid of sorts, is just as much of a logistical challenge.
So, why invest?
For hotels…
- Embrace technology.Having Wi-Fi in your establishment opens doors to numerous possibilities; mobile apps such as LoungeUp and their guest portals are becoming increasingly prominent in the hospitality industry, and Wi-Fi enables their implementation. As previously mentioned, the lengthy identification process can be irritating, especially when just looking up something simple. Using modern technology, you can route your Internet so the guest portal appears upon access, complete with the weather, local information, a local map and the opportunity to contact reception, for example. This means that all these services are available to your guest before identification, making their experience easier and improving satisfaction.
- Personalisation. You can use Wi-Fi to locate your guest within the hotel. This enables you to see patterns, as well as providing the opportunity to send push notifications when a guest is in a certain area: the perfect opportunity to upsell your services at the time and place where they will be the most effective, as well as impressing the guest by personalizing their stay.
- Data. This time, we mean guest data. Wi-Fi allows guest preferences to be collected, meaning the hotel can better understand guest behaviour. Instead of asking the guest to fill in endless forms about what they prefer before they arrive, guest portals such as LoungeUp can be used to see which services they consult and keep track of what they order. Loyalty programmes can also be advertised relevantly, and pertinent information gathered. This enhances the hotel’s CRM, enabling direct marketing, which can both in turn lead to direct booking, and so bypassing OTAs.
For their guests…
- No need for data plans. When travelling abroad, mobile data is expensive; even with the data add-ons that are currently available, the creature comforts you become accustomed to in your own country come at a high price. Hotel Wi-Fi therefore stops the need for any additional spending, increasing guest satisfaction. Furthermore, with some portals such as LoungeUp, guests have the opportunity to download the supplied content onto their phones via the hotel Wi-Fi for offline use. This means you can offer advice and tips to your guests whenever and wherever they need it, making your hotel important to them not just as a base for their holiday but during their whole stay.

- Keep in contact. Want to tell your family about what you’ve been doing? Fancy sharing some snaps on Facebook? Maybe refining that one picture perfectly on Instagram beforehand? It’s nice to have some down-time and keep in touch with loved ones even when on holiday, and being able to use social media and Skype/FaceTime just as they would at home is yet another bonus of good quality Wi-Fi for guests.
- Refined experience. A positive overall experience is a key factor for repeat custom. People often don’t remember details, but will remember the overall impression made. Having Wi-Fi, especially with technological perks, enables guests to make the most of their stay. Having a reliable Wi-Fi connection (especially for those who are travelling with business) creates a smooth, effortless stay, which will undoubtedly encourage guests to return.
Implementing guest portals such as LoungeUp with your hotel Wi-Fi gives the guest the opportunity to have everything they could need at their disposal: room service ordering, next stay booking, hotel and local information, as well as an easy way to contact the hotel team and make requests. This is the type of service that will impress and differentiate your hotels from competitors.
It’s important to note that Wi-Fi is now not considered an extra amenity to be added to others; for most, it is fundamental. You can even now filter hotels through sites such as Hotel Wifi Test not just by Wi-Fi availability, but by Wi-Fi speed. This means that simply providing Wi-Fi is no longer enough; in order to stand out, it’s important to have a solution which is either equivalent to or better than that which guests have at home.
With guest satisfaction being the ultimate goal of the hospitality industry, it seems counter-productive to make an effort in all other areas, and then leave Wi-Fi lacking. The world itself is advancing technologically at a rapid rate. In Helsinki, for example, free Wi-Fi is available in most areas of the city, and is fast enough to stream videos…
Until that reaches other countries, stand out by having faultless Wi-Fi and technological perks. Providing Wi-Fi is not just providing Internet access, it’s opening a new channel of communication and understanding between the hotelier and the guest. This, along with available technology such as LoungeUp, increases guest satisfaction, which will drive both loyalty and reputation, and ultimately generate both repeat and new custom.

- Tnooz: Shop for your hotel not by wifi but wifi speed
- Travel speeding is up and hotel wifi is more important than ever
- Travelpulse: Free Wi-Fi Important To Guests, but Hotel Offerings Lagging
- Ehotelier: Why mobile apps have the advantage in hotel guest engagement
- Hotel Wifi Test
- Quartz: Helsinki's free, city-guided Wi-Fi network is faster than your home internet
Written by Rebecca Benson
Photo credits: Jan Vašek from Pixabay